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Podcast: Episode 32: This Age of Chivalry with Bill Protzmann

Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet Podcast Logo

This podcast series focuses on the intersection of Consciousness and Self. This is our “Journey into Enlightenment.” At the core of human reality is Consciousness. Humans are self-defining creatures. We develop rule sets and stories that generate our experiences of reality. Consciousness is the state of awareness in each of us where our self-defined realities are only one of the many options in potential that could be expressed.

Each episode you will join Janet and her friends to gather in this core in Heart Centered Awareness. You will feel this state where time and space are malleable, potential is active and change in our day to day experiences can be felt in the moment. You will witness this sharing in the expansive variety of expressions of Consciousness, and as form and language in our physical and non-physical worlds. Experience new definitions in Self and join in the collective community we call Consciousness.

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Show notes and recordings for all previous episodes:

Essence: Episode NotesHeart with a tree of life inside

We have been witnessing the qualities that Chivalry encompasses under stress socially. Courage, honor, courtesy, justice and a readiness to help the weak are important social foundations. Joining Janet is Bill Protzmann of Music Care Inc., who offers transformational healing music awareness to military veterans and others. Together they will consider the stresses and graces upon those who embrace Chivalry as their cornerstones in BEing alive.

Friend: Podcast Guest

Bill Ptozmann

In addition to being a successful IT entrepreneur, Bill Protzmann holds magna cum laude degrees in piano performance and creative writing. He has performed in concert for many years with a focus on bringing music to audiences in non-traditional ways.

In 2011, Bill launched Music Care, Inc, a for-profit corporation dedicated to teaching practical ways music can be used to impact human physiology. His work was recognized by the National Council for Behavioral Health with an Award of Excellence in 2014‐the behavioral health equivalent of winning an Oscar. For his foundational work establishing music as self-care he also received an Inspiring Hope Award of Excellence.

His volunteer work has included board positions with Guitars for Vets and the San Diego Veterans Coalition. He has been instrumental in connecting thousands of military service members and veterans with honor tickets to the largest healing music organization in his town: The San Diego Symphony.

You will find his first book at “More Than Human-The Value of Cultivating the Human Spirit in Your Organization.“

He has written articles that have been published and appeared on Fox News, Your Tango, The Good Men Project, Psychology Today, and on his website:


If you are ready to learn to use music as self-care, you can take the guided, gamified, and fully mentored online course at

You can contact Bill directly at

Language: Featured Words in ContextTree of life with heart on trunk

Chivalry is a collective word. The qualities it includes are courage, honor, courtesy, justice, a readiness to help the weak. In our conversation it will include Love, Kindness and compassion.

Roots: Associated WorksTree roots

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) by Don Miguel Ruiz

The origins of God Bless America by Irving Berlin at Bill and his friend demonstrated being present. They heard a song in terms of current gender awareness. When it was written almost 100 years ago Irving Berlin was writing an anthem for the country to rally around, and a love letter to a country that accepted him as an immigrant boy. His lyrics reflected his times.

To explore Chivalry in modern relationships between men and women, Bill wrote a wonderful article for YourTango called 7 Charming Ways To Be More Chivalrous — For Deeper, More Authentic Relationships.

Ageless: Free Consciousness CookiesCookies – Food for thought

“You cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit if your conduct is mean and paltry; for whatever a man's actions are, such must be his spirit.“
“He who defends with love will be secure. Heaven will save him and protect him with love.“
Lao Tzu
“A gentleman is not defined by the content of his wallet or the cut of his suit. He is defined by his manners and the content of his character.“
Gentlemen’s Essentials

Focus: Meditations by Tom BarrettYin Yang symbol representing the balance meditation brings

There are many elements to Chivalry. Perhaps at core is Love expressed as Kindness. This episode we feature “Kindness, Anyone?“ From the meditation archive at Interlude: An Internet Retreat.

Listen at the YouTube channel Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet Barrett.

Blog: Today’s ChivalryQuan Yin

This week's blog, “Today’s Chivalry,” is available in its entirety at the blog page at my website and you can hear it on my YouTube channel Journeys into Enlightenment with Janet Barrett.

Sounds: Featured Music

Janet's theme music composed by Boyd Martin, Mystic Broadcast Network.

Bill’s musical theme is composed and played by Bill Protzmann.

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Thank you to my friends Jacqueline Sowell, website designer, Boyd Martin with MBR (Mystic Broadcast Podcast) for music and producing, Brian Knapp, podcast logo

Catch up with Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet

What does it mean to live consciously with energetic awareness in daily life? We can access the warmth, acceptance and non-judgment that is universal consciousness. We are all part of that spectrum, as individuals interconnected. There is no time, no space. Accessing the state of potential can help us to allow for new choices in our habitual feelings, behaviors and responses. Joan and I are subtle energy empaths in the field of consciousness. Join us as we talk about our individual and collective evolutions on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet. Explore what it would be like to change your rules and realities.

Conscious Conversations

Listen to shows from the archives. Four years of timeless material. Past, present and future need not apply.

curly quotes around testimonialJanet is a glorious reflection of the Soul. She is a conduit for others to be the same.
– KS, Portland, OR

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Interviewing Janean 

Janean, host of the podcast Keepin it Real, recently interviewed me. Listen to the podcast: Reframe Past Hurt into a Neutral Present with Janet Barrett>>
      Photo of Janean      

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Offering heart-centered play groups where we use our understanding of the quantum realm to transform our day-to-day health and well being, to live into our dreams, to witness miracles.

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